Community Mornings allow San Diego neighborhood residents to visit the Fleet, complimentary and as a community, on a specific Saturday morning, starting at 9 a.m., one hour before the Fleet opens to the public.  And that’s not all: The Fleet will provide free round trip bus transportation from each neighborhood. 

Community members also are welcome to provide their own transportation, but everyone must register to receive complimentary admission.  

On this special Saturday morning, community members can enjoy all the things that make the Fleet a fulfilling experience, plus a few exciting extras. They can  


A group of four people sit in a VR experience while wearing VR headsets
A man kneels down behind a young boy who is turning a large colorful wheel mounted into the wall. Curved tracks move up from the wheel to the ceiling out of sight
A child plays in a miniature firetruck
A boy kneels on a stool while a woman leans over to his side. They are building an unseen item on a work bench
Two girls pointing at and touching an illusion exhibit display
An aerial view of a young boy interacting with a blue exhibit
Three older adults ride in a VR experience while wearing VR headsets
A woman takes a photo of a child playing in a miniature firetruck

Thank you to our community partners for your ongoing support of our 50th anniversary celebrations.

We also would like to thank and acknowledge the support of our sponsors


Save the Date  

Events are currently being scheduled.

Thank you for your patience and support for science in our community!


Sponsor a Seat

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