2023-2024 Board of Trustees

Kristi Jaska


Kristi Jaska

Vice President, Technology, ViaSat


A young woman with short brown and glasses smiles at the camera. She is wearing a blue blazer over a blue shirt.

First Vice Chair

Carolina Bravo-Karimi

Partner, Wilson Turner Kosmo LLP


A white woman with long red hair and a blue shirt smiles at the camera


Kelly Devine Deck

Chief Financial Officer, Inhibrx, Inc.


A white woman with dark brown hair wearing a red blazer and a white shirt smiles at the camera


Elsa Valay-Paz

Vice President, Gas Acquisition, SoCal Gas


Ardy Arianpour

Ardy Arianpour

CEO & Co-Founder, SEQSTER


A middle aged white man smiles in a three quarter turn. He has short cropped salt and pepper hair. He is wearing a grey suit with a white shirt and a light blue tie. The background is a standard blue gradient profile background.

Charles Bergan

Vice President Engineering, Qualcomm


A middle aged white man with greying hair and a black tshirt against a grey background.

Steve Bjorg

Cloud Product Software Leader


Randy Camp

Randy Camp

Software Engineer


Loreen Collins

Loreen Collins

President Harvard Club of San Diego


Matt Grob

Matt Grob

CTO, Globalstar


A headshot photo of a white woman with shoulder length light brown hair and wearing an blue and white striped shirt against a woodland background

Jennifer Hershman

Director of Project Implementation, Alliance for Tribal Clean Energy


A white blond woman with short hair wearing a long pearl necklace and a navy blue top smiling at the camera

Cindy Hesse

Project Engineer


A middle aged white man in a black business jacket and white collared shirt smiles at the camera

Craig Johnson

Business Group Legal Council, Caterpillar Inc.


A middle aged asian woman with short dark hair in a white collared shirt smiling outside

Kim Lim

Biotech Consultant


A middle aged white man with red hair and beard wearing business clothing smiles at the camera

Jeffrey Miner

Chief Scientific Officer, Organovo Holdings, Inc.


A white blonde woman facing the viewer and smiling in a blue shirt with a tan background

Kate Motonaga

Chief Financial Officer, Public Library of Science


A middle aged white man with short salt and pepper hair at a ¾ turn in a black tuxedo and black bowtie.

Arman Oruc

Partner, Goodwin


A woman with curled dark brown hair wearing a black blazer and red shirt with a pearl necklace smiles at the camera on a purple background.

Pamela Salgado

Regional Partnerships Director, Lena


A hispanic man with facial hair wearing a wool suit jacket and collared shirt smiles outside in a wooded area

Cisco Sanchez

Senior Vice President & CIO


A white woman with chin length curly brown hair wearing an embroidered blue blazer and black top smiles at the camera

Elizabeth Simmons

Executive Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs, University of California San Diego


An indian man in a pink tshirt smiles at the camera

Sid Submarony

Managing Director, Boxer Capital, LLC


A middle aged white woman with curly grey hair smiles in a darkened room.

Cathy Swindlehurst

CEO, NovoMedix


A middle aged white blonde woman wearing a black top and smiling

Susan Topham

Vice Chancellor of Educational Services
San Diego Community College District

An indian man wearing glasses and a grey suit jacket with a blue collared shirt and blue tie smiles at the camera

Santosh Vetticaden

Co-founder, Member Board of Directors, Visgenx, IncVisgenx, Inc


Vanessa Jacoby

Vanessa Jacoby

CFO, Shoreline Biosciences, Inc.


Ivana Mikic

Ivana Mikic

Vice President of Artificial Intelligence


Nancy Robertson

Nancy Robertson

Software Engineer

John Driver

Immediate Past Board Chair and Honorary Trustee

John Driver

Chairman & CEO, Lynx Technology

