The Ball Pool is closed today.
On behalf of the entire Fleet Science Center team, we would like to share the proactive precautions we’re taking regarding the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). As health and safety is always our top priority, we consistently implement the procedures recommended by the CDC to prevent the spread of colds and the flu throughout the year.
Because the situation is rapidly changing, we’re daily monitoring and implementing the newest recommendations provided by government agencies and public health officials, including the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), California Department of Public Health Info and San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency (Public Health).
The Fleet Science Center remains open with regular operating hours and is continuing with most smaller events, school tours, and public programs. We are evaluating our status on a daily basis.
The precautions we have implemented are detailed below:
Postponing or cancelling events for 250 or more people at a single time, in a single location. We will ensure all IMAX and digital films will be capped below 250 people. Increasing the frequency of our hospital-grade Protexus Electrostatic Disinfecting Sprayer to sanitize frequently touched surfaces (exhibitions, doorknobs, light switches, elevator buttons, etc.). Increasing hand sanitizer dispenser stations placed throughout the building. Making more sanitizing wipes available throughout the Fleet for users to clean objects and equipment before/after touching. Ensuring hand-washing supplies are well stocked.We ask that all staff, guests and volunteers commit to the hygiene standards recommended by the World Health Organization and to stay home if they do not feel well.
We will continue to assess the situation and provide major updates to the Fleet Science Center’s schedule and programs via email, social media and our website.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Fleet Science Center and meeting you out in the community. We believe Science is a key contributor in addressing COVID-19 and other threats to health and will continue to move our mission forward to connect people to the power and possibilities of Science. We are grateful for your support!