Based in Australia and narrated by Russell Crowe, Turtle Odyssey explores the unique lifecycle of an Australian green sea turtle named Bunji and her incredible journey across the open ocean. 

Follow Bunji from a hatchling into adulthood as she swims thousands of miles, meets incredible creatures and has some really wild encounters. She will eventually migrate, with mysterious precision, back to the very beach where she was born—to lay her own eggs that are the foundation of the next generation. 

All documentary films are available on a first-come, first-served basis. No reservations are required. 

Educator Resources

To book a field trip to see this film at the Fleet Science Center, visit our School Programs site or contact our Education Team.  

A green sea turtle swims above the viewer in bright blue water. The ground is rocky and sandy. Some fish swim around the ground and there are other turtles in the background.
A whale swims towards the viewer coming down through the surface of deep blue ocean water.
A group of turtles swimming in the ocean.
Two turtles swimming by each other in the ocean.
Assistive listening devices enhance narration and dialogue and lower sound effects. Ask at the ticket counter.
When you purchase your ticket, tell the associate that you would like to use the complimentary closed-caption service.


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